under chassis wash for trucks & buses
In recent years this has been a valuable addition to commercial truck wash operations as a means of value adding and up selling wash options to maximise revenue per vehicle.
The Hartex under chassis washes comprises a hot-dip galvanized fabricated manifold. This framework is 3000mm wide and installed and can be installed in existing or new truck and bus wash bays. The manifold is equipped with 20-40 nozzles specially designed by Hartex that direct water in a cyclonic fashion to intensify the cleaning effect on the bottoms of trucks and buses. This is what makes the Hartex under chassis wash the most effective drive through style under body wash system necessary for the transport and mining sectors.
These systems must be used in conjunction with water treatment and recycling systems

UNDER CHASSIS Installation – Linfox, Perth WA
Linfox engaged Hartex to install a series of rollover truck wash machines across their main state depots. The perth site was equipped with an Istobal HW’PROGRESS roll over wash with an added touch free high pressure washing module.
The system also incorporated a sophisticated under-body wash to remove the stubborn red oxide from trucks arriving from Pt Headland, and a purpose designed water filtration system to maximize water consumption.